Disputes about child support have the possibility of bringing out the worst aspects of many parents and conjuring visions of children being exploited as puppets in games of revenge. Within the context of kids and divorce, there are a great number of myths that persist, even though some of the generalisations may, to some extent, be grounded in reality.
Myth: The amount of child support paid is determined by how much the kid or children require. Fact- The capacity of the parents to make an income is the primary factor that determines child support payments, rather than the actual costs associated with raising a kid. You need to hire family law Brisbane to help you in understanding everything about child support.
Myth: The money that is received for child support must be invested on the kid. Fact – The beneficiaries of child support payments are not required by any state to provide an accounting of their spending, provide evidence that the money is being spent on the kids in any way, or even establish that the money was necessary to satisfy the requirements of the kid.

Myth: If I relocate to another state, I may escape my need to pay child support. Fact – It is a well-known fact that each state possesses its very own child support agency and that all of these organisations collaborate with one another. There is no way out of this commitment.
Myth: If I quit my work, I can get out of paying child support and not have to worry about it.Fact – The courts have the authority to “impute” earnings to a caregiver who intentionally terminates their employment to avoid paying support, irrespective of whether that person is actively receiving a salary or not. The accrual of obligations will continue, and it will be necessary to make payments.
Myth: Because I’ve lost my work and am unable to pay my child support obligations, I will be sentenced to jail. Fact – The only way someone may be locked up is if they have the financial means to pay their debt but choose not to do so. If you have suffered a genuine loss of income and are unable to make the required payment, you won’t be held criminally accountable for the missed payment.

Myth: my ex-spouse utilises the money I pay towards child support for things like dining out, shopping, and supporting a luxury lifestyle. As a result, the amount I pay towards child support ought to be lowered.Fact: If the custodial parent pays fees to feed, clothe, and house the kids, which is the overarching goal of child support, whatever else they spend money on is usually not scrutinised. This is because child support payments are intended to cover the costs of feeding, clothing, and housing minor children.
Myth: Since I have high living expenditures and am unable to afford my child support payments, my support obligation should be lowered since I cannot afford to do so. Fact – It is a well-known fact that for costs to be regarded as a foundation for changing child support estimates, they often need to be both essential and excessive.
Myth: The amount of child support I pay can be deducted from the taxes I pay on my income. Fact – Payments for child support are not tax deductible for the parent who makes them, and the parent who receives them does not count them as part of their income either.